
Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Wellness Wednesday-Brussels Sprouts!

It's Wednesday and I thought another installment of Wellness Wednesday was long overdue.
So, let's talk about Brussels Sprouts! They are delicious!  Who knew??!!!
Not me.
I had never had one before and grew up thinking that they were gross and I should stay away.

That all changed a few months ago when a good friend handed me a large bowl of them from her garden.
I am open to trying new things and especially love trying new vegetables, but I have to admit that when she said they were Brussels Sprouts, I might have twitched a little bit.
They are so pretty to me; little tiny, bright green, crisp leaves. But they are not just pretty and delicious. They are really good for you too.

Let's look at some facts.
Brussels sprouts are loaded with vitamin A, folacin, potassium, calcium. They have 3-5 grams of fiber per cup, and at 25 calories per 1/2 cup cooked, they give us a reason to eat them more often. Brussels sprouts are one of those foods that will fill you up, without filling you out.

Brussels sprouts are very high in fiber, and they belong to the disease-fighting cabbage family. Indeed, they look like miniature cabbages. Like broccoli and cabbage -- fellow cruciferous vegetables -- Brussels sprouts may protect against cancer with their indole, a phytochemical.

Brussels sprouts are also particularly rich in vitamin C, another anti-cancer agent. Whether you choose them for their healthiness or because you love Brussels sprouts, one thing is certain: You will be getting a good-for-the-body food that is high in protein and low in fat and calories.


Now, let's talk recipes for these little beauties!
 First, wash them. Then cut them in half/quarters.

 Next, toss them in a bowl with about 2 tbs of oil. I used melted coconut oil because that is what I had on hand, but extra virgin olive oil would work just as well.
Then, I sprinkled some of this on them, as well as some garlic salt. This particular seasoning has salt, pepper, garlic and a few other spices in it without the MSG and all of the other unnecessary bad stuff that lots of seasonings have in them.

Next, you will spread them out onto a cookie sheet and roast them in your preheated oven at 400 degrees for about 10 minutes.

They are seriously loaded with flavor and just enough crunch.

Here's what the rest of our meal looked like.
Caramelized onions and sauteed mushrooms. Simply slice, add a tbs of oil to your skillet, and  sprinkle some sea salt and garlic if you'd like.  Turn up the heat to medium high. They are done in just minutes (when they have a bit of caramel color to them but still a little crunch)
 Baked Tilapia (a small drizzle of oil on each fillet, freshly squeezed lemon juice, garlic salt, sea salt and pepper-baked at 400 for about 15min).
Served with a bed of Jasmine rice (my fav!), roasted brussels sprouts, and caramelized onions and mushrooms.

A delicious, low calorie meal packed with nutrients and protein!
Give them a try!

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