
Monday, March 18, 2013

Crazy Refreshing & Peaceful

So, this may seem like an odd title, but to me, it is very fitting. Let me explain.

We got to go spend the weekend with some friends. They used to live right down the road from our house and we would get together a couple of times a week; the kids would play and their mom and I would drink coffee and chat amidst the craziness.  Almost a year ago, they moved away due to a job opportunity.  We have missed them a lot.

We finally got to get away and go see them. They are a family of 5 with three little boys and we are a family of 6. Do you see where this is going yet?
That's 7 crazy excited little ones all bunking together for the weekend.
It was crazy at times, but the good kind of crazy; refreshing. We played, laughed A LOT, slept very little, drank large quantities of coffee, battled it out in many games of Catan, had some family worship time together, and even managed to work in some craft time too.

Crazy refreshing. 
Life is crazy sometimes, well, most times. It's crazy busy; crazy full; crazy fun; crazy awesome! But it's also crazy refreshing & peaceful too.
Peace does not mean a physically quiet and tranquil place. It might sometimes, but that's not true peace to me.
While the kids were running and playing around us, there was no quiet, but I felt peaceful.

We were created to need fellowship with one another. I love living life with the people that God has placed in our lives.
Living life together, encouraging one another, loving one another, sharing a meal or a cup of coffee together, raising children together; this is where you find life.

We are taking a small break this week and living life together; with our family and friends. We'll be back to blogging next week (on Monday) and ready to share some fun things with you!
Be on the look out for a Ninja Birthday party and the intro to a new series all about COLOR!

Hope you have a crazy refreshing week!

1 comment:

  1. Glad you guys had a good time! I was thinking about you and Tabs!


Sunshine from our friends