
Friday, April 12, 2013

A Little Friday Inspiration

I am pretty excited that it's Friday! The weather is looking to be amazing, the hubs will be home to enjoy it with us, going to finally get my garden planted, and even have a few DiY projects up my sleeve to work on.....finally!
I have SO been missing working on projects but life has been a bit crazy around here the past few weeks so basic necessities have topped the list. Who am I kidding, basic necessities have been very lonesome on the list and not always do they get a happy check mark lately either.

So, check back next week and I will finally be sharing some creative inspiration in the form of DiY's again! Woo Hoo!
But for now, check out some of my favorite blogs. They inspire me in all kinds of ways.

Under the Sycamore

A Beautiful Mess

Hope and Honey

the Jolly Goode Gal

dearest someday


life in grace

I would love to sit down with each one of these women, talk about life, share inspiration; all over a cup of coffee.
But for now, I am super happy to have their blogs to read. They are inspiring and encouraging.

Check them out. Get inspired. And enjoy this amazing weekend ahead!

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