
Friday, April 5, 2013

Random Friday

So, today's post is a bit on the random side.
There hasn't been much time for diy projects or crafts or creative anything around here lately. Upon my return from Texas where I attended my grandmother's funeral, I found a very sick husband and a mildly sick little girl. Once they were all well and our home was disinfected from that nasty stomach bug, I then began getting sick with cold/sinus junk. So early to bed it's been for me.

By the way, I shared the other day how I deal with my allergy/sinus symptoms naturally and after one day of doing these things, I could breathe again!

Okay, let the random begin!
 Trader Joe's! Why oh why don't we have one of these where I live? While in Texas, we stopped in for a few minutes and my addiction has begun...for Trader Joe's and also for these little golden nuggets of goodness!
This little beauty arrived on my doorstep this week. I have been waiting and now it's here and I can't wait to dig in! I was able to read the first couple of pages and so far, it is everything that I hoped it would be. I'll share more later, ;) But for now, you can go visit the gal behind this little lovely here.
I got my essential oils intro kit in this week too! Woo hoo! I am really excited about this. I have read up on essential oils before. I know the health benefits and I fully believe that they work. However, it is quite an investment to begin using essential oils especially when your goal is to replace other forms of medicine, etc in your home with these oils. I never knew anyone personally that had been using the oils either and as much as I read and believed, I think I just needed that testimony from a friend in order to dive in.
Recently, a handful of ladies that I know and call friends, have begun using these oils and a few of them, even selling them too. I was really excited to find this out!

So, what I am starting with is the doTERRA Introductory kit which includes a bottle of lemon, lavender, and peppermint. I also ordered an oil blend called Past Tense which is supposed to be amazing for headaches and a bottle of Slim and Sassy, which is supposed to help rev up your metabolism and shed some pounds.

My good friend Amy let me try out some Past Tense one day and within in 15 minutes, the headache that I had already had for a day and a half, was gone! That was enough for me to order my own bottle.

The Slim and Sassy....I felt kind of silly ordering this bottle. However, after almost of a year of giving up gluten, dairy, sugar and exercising regularly, I still have 10-15 more pounds to lose. I have lost 30 pounds, but that last 10-15 is being extremely stubborn so I figured it was worth a try!
I'll keep you posted! Until then, you can learn more about doTERRA oils here.

And I will leave you with this.
Happy Friday!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love it! Let me know how the oils work... And I so agree with you about Trader Joes.


Sunshine from our friends