
Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Enjoy this Season

It is so easy to become so very busy this time of year; so very busy that with the blink of an eye, the season has passed and we have missed it.
We are trying to take things a bit slower around here this year. I am making myself take things "off my plate" and my to-do list and I am thankful for the push God gave me to do this.
Truthfully, even with doing that, we are busy but that is the nature of life with four little ones. However, it is the good kind of busy; the cookie baking, game playing, snow skating, Christmas shopping, looking at lights, reading books together kind of busy. I love being busy like this.
This Psalm has brought me great peace lately. It is one that I have read many times before but when I read it again several weeks ago, some of the verses really stood out to me and blessed me greatly.
"He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul. He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name's sake."
I just love it! He leads me beside still waters and restores my soul. The peace that this brings me is so wonderful and only from my Father.
 This little chalkboard now hangs on the wall above my treadmill. So this is what I have been looking at for the past month when I exercise and only yesterday did the message on it hit me in such a way. Crazy how we can put things in our house purposefully to be reminders to us daily and then still somehow get so busy that we don't even notice them. I believe that even those things, God's timing is perfect.

 "Today is a gift."

We are not promised tomorrow. We are not even promised this afternoon or even a minute from now.
So often, we live as though we will live on this earth forever.
Don't wait until tomorrow to sit and read a book to your child. If the Lord has placed someone on your mind and heart, don't wait another minute before letting them know. Don't put off loving the people in your life and telling them about the greatest gift ever given...the whole reason why we celebrate this time of year. Live today. Live now, in this very moment. And praise and thank God for every moment you have to live and love.

I pray that the word of God brings you peace today, in the midst of this busy time of year. I pray that you would see the gift of today and treat it as such.
What a wonderful gift it is to live today and rejoice in the birth of our Savior!

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