
Monday, December 3, 2012

Let It Snow! DiY Snow Globes

So, here in the south, we don't get much of that thing you northerners call "snow."  One day, I will take my children some place where the snow falls in such abundance that they can truly know what it means to have a "snow day!"
Thankfully, they are all still little and delight in the wonders of a snow globe. I remember shaking our snow globes as a little girl and sitting for long periods of time, just watching it snow. There is something so beautiful and peaceful about a snow globe.
We took the kids to the local dollar store last year and let them each pick out their own special snow globe. They could not wait to get them out this year.
So, naturally when I saw the idea of making your own on Pinterest, I added it to our advent activity cards!

You will need:
Glass jars (of any kind-if there is writing on the lids, simply spray paint the lid beforehand)
Little trees and figurines
Fake Snow
Waterproof glue (such as E6000)

*glycerine or baby oil (this helps to weight the snow down)
*Some sites tell you to use a glue gun-Do NOT do that or your pieces will come off and float about
I often keep jars from sauces and such. I use them to hold various things and gift things too. This time, they became snow globes!
I gathered the rest of my supplies from Hobby Lobby. It was very inexpensive especially since everything Christmas is already marked down.
I allowed the kids to pick what they wanted in their snow globe and where they wanted everything placed, then I helped with the glue part.

First, glue your pieces to the inside of your lid. Make sure you stay inside of the rim. Allow glue to dry for an hour or two.
Second, sprinkle your glitter and snow in the jar. It only takes a very small amount of the snow.
Third, fill your jar to the very top with water.
And lastly, screw on your lid and enjoy the snow!

*Now, I did not have any glycerine or baby oil and failed to see that on the list when I went to buy everything at the store. So, our glitter and snow floats to the top of the globe rather than resting on the bottom. Not ideal, but the kids could care less. The globes are still working their magic! ;)

I also did a little winter scene (waterless snow globe) too. I just think it is so pretty.
For this one, I wanted a substancial amount of snow on the bottom but also wanted to trees to stand above the snow and not be buried.
So, I grabbed  lid from another jar (slightly smaller than the lid for the jar I was using ). The lid actually rested perfectly inside the opening of the jar.
I glued my trees to the top of the smaller lid. While the trees were drying, I placed the fake snow in the jar. Next, I inserted my trees (remember these trees are glued to the top of the lid) into the jar and then screwed on the lid that went with the jar. Shake your snow to the bottom and you are done!

*The lid for this jar was very flat. When choosing the lid to glue your pieces to for this globe, you want to choose a lid that has some height, like a canning lid.
Isn't it pretty!
Don't be afraid to use any size or shape of jar for these globes. See my little pimento jar with two little trees in it? I just love it. (I do need to paint that lid though-ha!)

I also wanted to share some books that we ordered to read through Advent/Christmas season this year.

The Christmas Story( from the Family Reading Bible)
The Christ of Christmas readings for Advent (31 days of devotion by Calvin Miller)

Hope you are enjoying this beautiful season so far!

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