
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Girl Time - JUST DO IT!

As mommas we always do our best to make sure everyone is fed, decently clean and happy, the house is picked up, the laundry and dishes washed, kids played with and educated, and life is moving forward. Let me say that I am blessed to have a food to cook, a house to clean, laundry to wash, and a little one to chase around. There are many that do not have these privileges. But, as blessed as I am I also really enjoy a little time away to recoop. I have always wanted to do girl weekends with friends to shop and laugh and chat and eat and shop and eat and laugh; repeat, blend and repeat! I've had the luxury of a few girls only weekends during my lifetime, but for the most part these weekends were nothing but a hopeful dream because people are busy and finances are tight and life gets in the way.

One of my great buddies (7 months pregnant with her 4th baby) needed one of these weekends away to relax before the newest addition to her family. We were so pleased when all things aligned and we got away, girl style!

Note: Excuse some of the photos, I quickly snapped most of them with my phone.

We spent the first few hours at a really fun local bead store (we share a love for jewelry making; she’s pretty new to the gig but makes awesome stuff). We took our time to look through all the nooks and crannies, dig through the bowls of random pieces, talk with the ladies that work there about different techniques and new products, and make our selections. This for us was a BLAST!

We took a break to grab a drink and sit for a while and then off we went to shop a little (ok, a LOT). We made our way through many (can’t tell you how many) stores. Some stores we just browsed and got ideas for making things, some stores were having great sales and BOGOs which we couldn’t pass up. We stopped off for dinner and the off to our hotel.

Now, a note about me, I’m frugal (fun word for cheap) but my friends hubbs wanted to treat her on her getaway so he got us a great room in one of the much nicer local hotels. The beds were very fluffy and awesome and we laid in them and chatted for hours.

The next day when we got up we were told to order room service (again strikes the hubbs). So we did and it was awesome to eat in bed and relax without having to rush around for something to eat.

I even took a few minutes to Skype with my little peanut and tell her how much I missed her (love me some technology). We took our time getting ready and checked out of the hotel leisurely.

We hit up an outlet mall and then off to a late lunch. The place we went is a local place called McFarlain’s which my hubbs and I love. It is home cooking with a touch of extraordinary. We always get the fried green tomatoes so I shot him a quick pic just to let him know we were doing things right. We ate too much food and dessert and loved every bite. A bit more shopping to round off the trip and then off to the homesteads.

Amongst all the shopping and eating we had such great convos and really got to take our time and laugh a lot. It was such a great time with a friend that I am so blessed to know. The best parts of the weekend were really the down times (the drive up, the evening at the hotel, and the drive home) when we got to just talk. Sometimes it’s hard to have a really great conversation with little ones all around.

While we were gone I received this pic of Keylee playing and I smiled ear to ear.

I am a believer in girl time. I think getting out for a cup of coffee, dinner, a movie, some shopping, walking at the park, etc. with a friend is much needed. A couple days and a night away really is quite different. It forces you to release your lists completely (if even for a short time) and relax a bit more.

Of course once you get home the reunion with the ones you love couldn't be sweeter!  


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