
Thursday, February 28, 2013

S is for Silas – DiY Baby Boy Gifts

My good buddy is having a baby boy. This is her fourth little and some friends are throwing her a small shower. She said all she wants is diapers but I had to do more than that. She always dresses her little ones really cute and usually not like most babies. The first time I saw her oldest son he was probably 3 months old and had on the tiniest button up and little jeans….ADORABLE! I wanted to make her a couple fun onsies so off to the craft store with me.

I had planned on getting material to add bow ties and suspenders and a maybe an S to the onsies I had grabbed but when I got there plans changed. I found a fun little frayed S appliqué for 71 cents and I couldn’t pass it up. 1 down 2 to go. Then I ran back to the material and had a thought, why not ribbon. Instead of buying, cutting and sewing a bunch of tiny pieces of material, why not use ribbon that is already hemmed on the sides and ready to go. So I did. I found a fun black and white stripped ribbon (on sale) and a couple buttons (also on sale). Perfect!

For the suspenders I cut a length of ribbon and added a little liquid stitch. I allowed 30 minute dry time as instructed by the directions and then headed to the sewing machine and added a stitch up each side for extra strength and added those cute buttons!

For the bow tie I simply cut a small length of ribbon (this depends on the size you want the bow tie and the size of onsie you are using) and folded each end in and then squeezed the middle. Stitched it up to sinch it and hold it in place and wrapped a small piece of ribbon around the center and sewed it into place. Finally I stitched it to the onsie. LOVE!

On the S applique, I followed the directions on the back and once it cooled I added a stitch around the outside to make sure it held. I always like to add a line of stitching to iron-ons because I want to make sure that if the glue lets go the appliqué will stay intact.

I also found this tiny T and superman appliqué and had to have them. I simply followed the iron-on directions on the back. Once it cooled from being ironed I grabbed a needle and thread and added a line of stitching in the black outline with black thread so it was nice a hidden but added a little strength. Come on what tiny one doesn’t need a superman shirt and this one can serve double purpose with that “S.”

I'll wrap these funsies up with some diapers and we'll have our gift ready to go!

I looked all over Pinterest for inspiration but didn't follow any particualar tutorials, just search "boy onsies" and you'll find a ton of ideas.

Also check out Jenny's link on some other fun DiY onsies.

Happy Thursday, March is almost here!!!

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