
Sunday, February 24, 2013

Some Things I Love (good food & good books)

So, today's post is a bit random. Sorry about that. We've been fighting cold junk here at our house for the past two weeks, so I have not been doing much crafting.
But I have been doing some good cooking and some reading.

Say what?! Yes folks, that's right, I have been doing some reading.
For those that know me, they know that my head is usually way too full of projects and ideas that I could be working on to sit down and be still and concentrate on words on a page!
There is one book that I read on a consistent basis, but that book is necessary to my life. I need those Words!

Reading just to read, well, it comes in seasons for me. And right now, I am in one of those seasons and I rather enjoy it when I'm there.
I am not a novel kind of gal, AT ALL. I enjoy books that teach me something and/or inspire me.
I recently posted that I got these two new books.
And my husband ordered me this one. He heard the author speaking on a radio show on the way to work, thought how I would enjoy it, and ordered it for me off Amazon that day. I love that he not only knew but did that!
I just began reading it today and so far, it is very interesting. Can't wait to read more and share more with you later!
This is another book I am currently reading. I have had it for some time now but like I said, this is seasonal for me. ha!
This book is blessing me tremendously right now! Very timely for me and I am super excited to read more and also share with you.
 I really love to cook. But sometimes, life seems a little crazier than normal and cooking becomes just necessity, rather than enjoyment as well.
Lately, I have really been enjoying cooking again. Food has always been inspiring to me. Does that sound weird? Let me explain. Good, fresh food is really very beautiful and pleasing to the eye. The colors are so vibrant and the texture is so complex......beautiful.
The fresh veggies above were about to be sprinkled about our yummy gluten free pizzas and topped with avocado slices.
 Coconut shrimp and vegetables over jasmine rice........YUM-MY!
Black Bean soup......
....topped with crunchy slices of corn tortillas.
And the new recipe we tried this morning....Banana Oatmeal Breakfast Cupcakes. OH MY!
I had intended on getting some really great photos of these. The texture was so great....but so was the taste and they got devoured very quickly!

Here is the original recipe.

I added a few things.
We didn't have blueberries but we did have mini chocolate chips and who doesn't think chocolate in the morning is fun!
I also added about 2 tsp of chia seeds, 1/3 cup organic unsweetened shredded coconut, 1tsp cinnamon and 1/4 cup chopped pecans.
I think you could pretty much add whatever you wanted.

Some add-ins that I thought of and will be trying soon:
Option 1-raisins, shredded carrots and sunflower kernels
Option 2- small pieces of diced apples, cinnamon, and pecans
Option 3- using pumpkin instead of bananas and adding cinnamon and pecans

Can't wait to try these different variations. These were so delicious and so good for you!
If you try them, let me know what you think.

Happy Monday!!


  1. That coconut soup stuff looks great. Do you have a recipe?

  2. I didn't follow one but it is pretty simple. I wanted something similar to a curry dish but without so much curry flavor. I love curry but my family can't handle the heat! ;)
    I think it was orange bell pepper, onion, green onions, mushrooms, squash, zucchini,shrimp, can of coconut milk, can of diced tomatoes, fresh cilantro, chopped/minced fresh garlic, cumin, a small amount of curry powder and turmeric. We served it over jasmine rice.


Sunshine from our friends