
Friday, March 22, 2013

Birthdays & Ninjas

Today, my first born turns 8 yrs old. That is just plain crazy and shouldn't be allowed to happen! I know every parent says this, but seriously, I don't know how he is already 8! It has gone by way too fast.
But man oh man, have we enjoyed life with him and watching him grow up. He has supplied this family with many smiles, belly laughs, crazy dancing, mad ninja skills, ridiculous jokes and loads of joy.

Today, we are celebrating with all his favorite foods; cinnamon rolls for breakfast, pigs in a blanket for lunch, and out to eat Chinese food for dinner.

Tomorrow, we celebrate Ninja style with friends and family.
My mom always made birthdays super special in our home. I enjoy doing the same for my children. Birthdays are a big deal around here. They are that one day of the year that we enjoy celebrating the special birthday boy/girl and really focusing on them.

Check back on Monday to see our Ninja Birthday Party!

Have a happy Friday!

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