
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 Things

So, I have been doing a lot of thinking/reflecting lately, on life, myself, our family, our future, etc.

I LOVE blogging. I love the creative outlet it gives me. I love that all in one place I get to do so many of the things that I am passionate about; writing, photography,making things, sharing my heart, etc. I love the people that I have already met because of this blog.

However, there is so much more to life than this blog and the whole blogging world. Blogging has provided so many wonderful outlets for people. It encourages and inspires and connects people from all over the world. But sometimes, it is easy to make false and harmful assumptions about the real people behind these blogs.

My heart is to be "real" with people, in person and on this blog. I never want to portray an all together, perfect life lived out within the walls of a magazine ready home.
I want you to know that behind the pretty photos and DiY's , there is a real person who messes up A LOT.

So, here's to being real!
10 Things You May Not Know About Me

1. I once played soccer. Literally, once. I played my first game in Kindergarten, fell one time and got a nasty grass stain on my uniform, ran off the field and was DONE. Seriously people!

2. I long to be an early riser; to be up before everyone else, have some time alone with the Lord first thing in the morning when all is quiet, get my workout in, get ready for the day and have breakfast started by the time my husband and kids awake. Most mornings, I am stumbling out of bed in a hurry to get the coffee going so my husband can grab a mug of it before he leaves for work.

3. I was a pageant girl; from 1st grade to my senior year in high school. I loved that I got to dress up in pretty gowns, have my hair fixed and be the ultimate girly girl. Pageants taught me to stand and speak with confidence in front of a crowd. Unfortunately, they also taught me that what I looked like was of the utmost importance and that is why people liked or would like me. So, my confidence was built upon a very shaky and vain foundation, rather than in the Lord God who created me and loves me for me....period.

4. I struggled with an eating disorder most of my teenage years and continued to battle self image issues and condemnation all the way to adulthood. I am free from these things now because of the Lord, but it is certainly my area of weakness. There are days that I feel weak in this area and the Lord is faithful to remind me of the truth.

5. My cousin and I once secretly took a puff of my grandpa's cigar when we were definitely smelled better when my grandpa smoked it! I have never forgotten that.

6. I smoked a lot of cigarettes in college. You would think that the whole grandpa's cigar incident would have ruined me. So thankful that the Lord got a hold of me and took every single one of those desires away. It was Him that I needed.

7. I cannot cut a straight line to save my life! It seems like such a simple thing and a silly thing, but it's true and has caused me many "do-over's" in the DiY world!

8. I used to want a picture perfect house, a nice car, and recognition from everyone in my life to affirm that I was loved and that life was good.

9. I now long everyday for the day when the Lord brings to life what He has been doing in my heart. The day that we sell most of what we have and go to the ends of the earth, taking only our family, the necessities and the gospel of Jesus Christ and His saving grace and endless love.

10. Patience is a virtue.......that I apparently do not excel in. OK, that I don't have at all MANY days!

It feels good to be real with you! And trust me, there's so much more! Recognizing the areas where I am weak and fall short, simply makes me realize my need for my Savior that much more. It highlights all of the areas in my life that He has transformed and made new. Most importantly, my weakness brings glory to Him.

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." I will all the more gladly boast of my weaknesses, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities; for when I am weak, then I am strong."
-2 Corinthians 12:9-10

 What I also love about reflecting on such things is that it serves as a wonderfully encouraging reminder of who I used to be and who I am now in Christ. I am simply not the same person as I once was and I am so thankful for that.
I still mess up A LOT and fall short, but I know that God uses even those times to teach me, make me stronger and bring glory to Himself.

My hope and prayer is that I would continue to decrease and He would continue to increase in my life. (John 3:30)
I also hope that my short comings are an encouragement to others and to you. :)

Blessings to you today!

1 comment:

  1. love this jenny! and your "short comings" are not only encouraging but endearing:)


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