
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

An Artful Afternoon-Crystal Bridges Museum

We are having some amazing Spring weather here the past several days. I am loving it!
Our family got to completely enjoy some of this weather over the weekend. We took a little weekend trip to visit family and also visit the Crystal Bridges Museum. I have been wanting to go and take the kids but it is quite a drive for us so it worked out perfectly for this trip.
beautiful drive...beautiful reading material (A Homemade Year)....beautiful Starbucks treat :)

This place is amazing! The architecture is breathe-taking and the beautifully manicured grounds and hiking trails are equally so.

 We had such a great time. We got to see some amazing pieces in the art gallery and had some fun on the trails...until we got lost. Yeah, seriously, that happened. We plan to go back with more comfy shoes and a picnic lunch in tow for a day of hiking.
It was pretty cool to introduce the kids to an art gallery for the first time. They got see some life size portraits of George Washington which they thought was pretty cool since they have been learning all about him in school recently.
 And then there were cool pieces like these!

 Okay, so most people's responses to this piece seemed to be along the lines of "creepy". To be honest, it is a bit creepy, but only because it is so completely amazing! The detail and work put into this piece are astonishing. I couldn't quit looking at it and then coming back to look complete awe.

If you haven't been, it is worth the trip.
Hope you are enjoying this beautiful weather too!

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