
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Be Strong- Vintage Poem Wall Art

Little by little, I have been making some changes in the decor around our house over the last couple of months. I plan on sharing a lot of these changes with you next month.
For now, I thought I would share a simple way to spruce up your walls using vintage book pages, markers/colored pencils, and a frame. 
One of the things that I was given when my grandpa passed away many years ago was an old book of poetry that he loved. He actually wrote little notes in pen throughout the pages of this book. I love it.
And so, one day, when I was trying to figure out what I wanted to do/change in our hall bathroom, I thought of this book.
I love art that is meaningful and has a story.
I love this book of poetry so much that I thought, why not have it hanging on our wall where I can see it everyday.
(and remember the vintage girl piece that I scored at a flea market....there she is!)
I simply picked out a poem that I really liked and that spoke to me and grabbed my fine tip sharpie markers and began drawing.
I chose a simple tree outline and then later decided to add a little bit of color with some green leaves and a heart with my grandpa's initials on the tree trunk. I also added a few brushes of a tea stained color stamp pad around the edges.
I really love the poem. It inspires me throughout the week. I seem to look at it and really pay attention to it on just the right days and at just the right time.

Be Strong!
We are not here to play, to dream, to drift;
We have hard work to do and loads to lift.
Shame not the struggle, face it! Tis God's gift.

Be strong!
Say not, "the days are evil. Who's to blame?"
And fold the hands and acquiescence- oh shame!
Stand up, speak out, and bravely, in God's name.

Be strong!
It matters not how deep intrenched the wrong,
how hard the battle goes, the day how long;
Faint not; fight on! Tomorrow comes the song.

I am pretty happy with the outcome. What do you think?

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