
Monday, December 10, 2012

DiY Christmas Star Sign

Happy Monday to you!
Are you getting your homes decked out and festive for Christmas? Leave a link in the comments to your blog/photos of your holiday decor. We'd love to see!

We have been getting ready around our house. I posted here a couple of weeks ago about our decorations this year. However, since then, I have been doing what I do and that is adding more little touches here and there.
I kept looking at our front porch, knowing that something was missing, that it didn't look quite right yet, and that I wasn't really happy with the outcome. I have been trying to think of something to add to make it like I see it in my head and then......I  was inspired on Pinterest, of course!
So, I grabbed a piece of wood that I already had and was already painted, went through my ribbon box, grabbed my ruler, hammer and nails and went to town!

I put my own spin on it.
I knew that I also wanted mine to be more of a sign with a message, so I made the star smaller, leaving room to write around it.
I used some silver ribbon that I already on hand and then grabbed a sharpened piece of white chalk to finish it off.
What do you think? You wanna make one?!
It is truly super simple. Here is what you need:
-piece of wood
-paint or stain to finish your wood
-ruler & pencil (to mark off your star with good straight lines and points for the nails)
-nails & hammer
-picture hanger to attach to the back
-ribbon of your choice

*Because mine was already painted black and I love chalkboard everything, I used white chalk. You could easily use a paint pen or acrylic paints to achieve the same look.

Ready. Set. Go.
-paint wood
-use ruler and pencil to get your star outline
-attach picture hanger to back
-hammer a nail at each point of the star
-take your ribbon and start wrapping around the nails in star formation
-write/paint your message
-hang and take a step back and enjoy!

I also hung a few more snowflakes on the porch as well. The first ornaments and snowflakes I hung just looked lonely.
Now, when I walk outside my door or come home and walk up to my door, I like what I see. :)

Share your outdoor decorating ideas with us. We love to hear from you!

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