
Friday, December 7, 2012

Holiday Traditions ~ Oh Christmas Tree

Like many families when we arrive home after celebrating the Thanksgiving holiday we pull out our Christmas decorations. I get pretty excited about getting them up because I love Christmas décor. It makes everything feel cozy and festive. Of course for us the first thing to go up is the tree. We always decorate it together and listen to Christmas music. Last year Keylee was still pretty small but she “helped” put her ornaments on the tree. This year she was a big helper and carried ornaments from the table to her daddy to place on the tree and put a couple on herself (at least attempted to, she couldn’t quite figure out how to get the hooks over the branches). 
She also got to decorate the little tree we put in her room. She did a great job with that one. It was a bit heavy on one side but we helped her even it out a bit.
It is so fun to see how she is growing and learning and getting more creative and coordinated. When do you put up your tree?

Merry Christmas


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