
Monday, December 31, 2012

Random Goodness

Well, here we are at the end of another year. I really and truly cannot believe it; so many things to give praise to God and be thankful for.
However, today, I choose to be in denial that another year has passed; that my baby is going to turn one in only a few weeks, that my baby girl will start kindergarten in the new year, that my oldest will be eight in a few months...nope, not going there today.
For now, I'll simply reflect on the wonderful time we had over Christmas break. I thought I would share some of that with you!
My favorite pancake recipe, made with pumpkin rather than mashed banana and topped with pecans and raw honey!
and enjoyed with a cup of this! Thanks mom and dad for hooking my husband up with this fabulous gift!
He is enjoying it SO!
*wink wink*

Remember the cute little Altoid tin project I shared with you. Well, I couldn't leave it alone. I felt like the little bears needed names and a story too. So, I made each little bear a small book, named them, and told a bit about what they liked to do. They were a HUGE hit with my kiddos!

We got away for a few days and celebrated Christmas with my husband's family. We are blessed with a large family on this side; 9 children 9yrs and under and 10 adults. We all cram into one house for a weekend full of late night games, good conversation, lots of giggles from the cousins playing, laughter, food and more food!
We got A LOT of snow for where we live.....on Christmas day!!! It was so beautiful and actually stuck around for a few days, which meant we got to enjoy amazing snow covered scenery the whole drive.
I got to read a bit more of the great book one of my sister-in-laws gave me for my birthday.

More beautiful views from my window in the ole' van. I took all of the photos with the Hipstamatic app on my iphone. If you don't have it and you enjoy taking a TON of photos with your will want this one!
Lots of fun was had with this new game, Suspend. The adults and the kids enjoyed this one.

Lots of treats to enjoy! My mother-in-law did a wonderful job making everything festive and pretty, like she always does. She also baked lots of fun treats that my children thoroughly enjoyed!
I made these dark chocolate peanut butter balls for everyone to enjoy and also so I would have a treat to indulge in as well.
The recipe calls for Coconut flour but I was out so I used Almond flour and I think I like them even  better this way!
The famous Candy Cane cookies! These are a favorite and tradition in my husband's family. Daspri took them on several years ago to help their mom out and she quickly became the Candy Cane cookie QUEEN! They are YUM-MY and oh so cute!
I love that I get to do life and this blog with this beautiful gal. Sister in laws and friends= blessed.
Daspri is whipping up some mean mashed potatoes! All of the girls help out in the kitchen together to get dinner prepared for this large crew, which is actually pretty fun.
And the drink that I have been enjoying recently, Cinnamon Almond Steamer. It is so simple and delicious. It has been hitting the spot when I want something warm but don't need to drink anymore caffeine for the day.
You just need:
Almond milk
Pure Stevia extract powder

*optional- you can add pure vanilla or other flavors to it as well.

I throw those ingredients in a small saucepan, turn up the heat to high, and grab my whisk. Let it get hot and whisk away while it is heating.

How was your Christmas break?
I hope it was wonderful and that the beginning of the new year is even better!

Have fun and be safe!


  1. um so, Jenny you must be in major denial because her baby is going to be 2!
    Love ya,

  2. Lol, I had to read over that several times, too, Daspri.


Sunshine from our friends