
Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

I pray your new years eve was fun-filled and safe and that you kissed or hugged someone you love dearly but before I move on to discuss the new year I’m going to share a few fun memories from Christmas. Let me preface this by saying I can’t get enough of my sweet little girl and I usually try not to overload my posts with her pics but this one will have to be an exception.
Jenny, of course, took our Christmas card photos and I LOVE how it turned out:

We sent these out to friend and family. As a side note I am like a kid when it comes to checking the mail. So Christmas time is my favorite because we get so many fun Christmas cards from friends and family all over. LOVE IT!!!
We get to have three (or more) fun Christmas celebrations each year because we are blessed with so much family. We started this year off with a weekend celebrating with Bryan’s family. I love that Keylee is old enough now to deliver presents (excuse the blurry photos, when you are trying to capture a 2 year old sometimes you have a little blur!).

Then we spent Christmas Eve and day as the three amigos. We opened our new PJs and Keylee got her new ornament (again the pic is blurry but look how excited she is). It is a Cat in the Hat sitting on a stack of books on of which is her favorite, One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish, Blue Fish.

We snuggled up for a Christmas movie and then talked about the meaning of Christmas and Christ coming to earth as the ultimate gift. As was the tradition in my house growing up the tree remained presentless until Christmas morning and mom spent Christmas Eve wrapping and filling stockings. We never celebrated the santa tradition but we knew mom was hard at work that night so it was difficult to sleep. We celebrated Christmas morning with lots of love and hugs and slowly opening a few gifts but of course her favorite thing was the most inexpensive little makeup compact (it is actually an eraser) that she would not put down all day.
We spend the most wonderful lazy Christmas day in our PJs and topped it off by making some yummy cookies together.
We had a white Christmas blow in on us so when we woke up the next day we got to play in the snow. FUN!

We packed up the car and headed to my parents for Keylor Christmas. Jenny shared some of the fun from that weekend but here are a few more tidbits…
This was Keylee’s view of the snowball fight, safe tucked away on the front porch.
We enjoy lots of games and Jenny mentioned, what she did not mention is that in my parents’ house growing up with three boys everything turned into a competition. This still rings true today as you can see from this pic:
Mom got a fun set of Christmas bingo cards she thought the kids would like playing. Well as the kids were playing the guys jumped in and the kids phased out to leave mom calling out peppermint candies and reindeer for the grown men competing to win the coveted bingo. Yep, we love it around here!
And to keep the competition running the fellas spent a lot of time playing ping pong. Eventually the girls jumped in on the action and we had a couples tournament (even mom played) and well, not to brag, but me and the hubbs took home the gold on that one!
We returned home and spent New Year’s Eve here with a couple friends. I love my little family. God has truly blessed us.

I’m not really a new year’s resolution person. I don’t believe in a calendar year changing the way I live my life. But I do believe in prayers for the year to come. I pray for the same things I always pray for: To grow closer to Christ and see Him in my life more each day. To be a light to my little girl and her daddy and to all those I come in contact with. For wisdom in my daily struggles and laughter along the way. For friends and family to know Him. And thanks for all the blessings of the year past and the year to come.
Happy New Year to you too!

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