
Wednesday, January 2, 2013

DiY Little Girl's Jewelry Box

Today I want to share a fun little project that I did over Christmas for two of my precious niece's.  I really wanted to show you before Christmas but since one of these was for Daspri's little girl, I couldn't share without ruining the surprise!

I am in love with these little suitcase boxes! I have used them for a vintage baby shower before too!
I found them on Amazon.
I used a fine tip Sharpie and wrote a name on one and an initial on the other. Then I added some design.
What I love about these boxes for little children is the handles! All of my children have loved to have something to put their toys in and carry them around in, from toddler years to almost 8 years.
And next came the really fun part-filling the boxes with LOTS of pretty things!
I SO enjoyed shopping for these little girls. I picked things up here and there when I was out and about.
I threw in one handmade piece in each box too; a headband in one and a rosette wrist cuff in another.
I ordered these super fun light rings off Amazon to add to their boxes too! I just couldn't resist. They are so bright and flash all different colors. I may or may not have saved one for myself.
Baby Girl and I also went shopping for feather boas to top off these jewelry boxes.  Needless to say, these girls are set!

You could do so much with these boxes. They come in all different colors. You could make a spy kit or nature explorers kit for a little boy too.  The options are endless!
And they really are pretty sturdy. My little girl has had one for almost 3 years now and it is still going strong after lots of handling and play time.

Happy New Year!

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